Thursday, January 1, 2009

2008 Year of the Slinky

Okay so that was my possibly accurate guess at what the heck was going through your mind when you read the title. Thanks to English Class I'm starting to like using metaphors (rachel-isms in Audrey terms) in regular conversations which at times may annoy the hell out of people because they now have to think of what the heck I was talking about like how mash potatoes is like breaking up. Any guesses?

Back to why Slinkys have anything to do with 2008. Remember slinkys? Let's take a flashback to our childhood when we would attempt to make those little metal coils tumble down the stairs only to get frustrated and end up stretching it with our hands till were left with just a bent piece of twisted metal. Or the plastic ones that you could get at Chucky-Cheese. It's basically the same theory. My 2008 was like a Slinky because I went through my ups and downs. Down that ugly brown staircase of life. 

I'd like to think of the Slinky as more of me. I got stretched out so much this year. You know how when you were little you'd pull a slinky and it would go back into place ,but be just a little disformed ,then you'd pull it more and more until it just wouldn't snap back. I feel like thats me. I got pulled a little ,but I always came back. Pulled a little more came back ,but now I'm pulled farther from what I'd consider sanity. I used this slinky-ism because if I were too blog about what in 2008 caused me to become a Stretched-Out Slinky then it would be 2010 by the time I finished.

The start of 2009 is the start of a new "Slinky". Let's just hope my Slinky this year will be able to snap back.

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