Saturday, May 30, 2009

"Take It All"

With all the stress of losing the house, my grades, finals I find myself coming back to God.  I feel a bit ashamed because I've realized that I only pray when I need something and rarely to thank him. He's gotten my Dad and Me through alot.   He's opened up this new youth group when I thought the end of Sunset was the end.  He's let me meet more people who are dedicated and they've shown me what I've been lacking.  The things that have been happening are proof that this verse is true:

"Ask, and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you"
-Matthew 7:7

I'm not trying to put up a front and say "I'm all biblical and I'm a great person" blah blah because I know I'm not.  I've never said that. Nor do I think I try to say I'm the best Christian ever. Because the fact is I'm far from that. It's not even about a label of "Christian" as God said, "We walk by faith not by sight" 

It's by our faith we our saved! That's why I don't even like to say oh I'm from a Baptist Church Pentacostal etc. because  the truth is it's our commitment to him our faith in God. 

 I don't follow God's word alot to be honest. I've pushed him aside. I guess it always go back to that thing like with the saying about parents, the reason we are so comfortable with yelling at them is because we know they'll always forgive us in the end.  I've been thinking of God that way. 

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