Monday, March 23, 2009


SO, It's been a while. To say the least, well in rachel blog periods it has. I'm gonna' make everything short and simple for the sake of my own sanity and leaving out the details 'cuz who really cares? A. Youthgroup ended. Crying. Good-bying. It's all good though guess it had to happen. If it ever even comes back how many years from now just hope I'll be available. B. Obsessed with an OLD love. people needa' get that straight. not really "obsessed" just you know. C. stupidimmaturebleh. that guy. done. D. grades are pulling up in math and history just a couple subjects to go. E. I know your getting tired of the letters ,but a fat-ass paragraph won't be any different.  F. for finally got Bioshock not even gonna' touch it yet though imma' do one huge playthrough hard to resist though. G. i really need to tell whatever. sending out vibes is not working. 

Friday, March 13, 2009

End Of The Road

perfect. what else. this happened.
the one thing i had left, the thing i always had to look forward too.
even if i had a total shit of a week i had that to hold on too.
keep me going.

i'm gonna' miss everything
its youthgroup that's kept me sane.
it's all effing over.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Welcome Choice C

Ode' the joy of Choice C. The beautiful middle ground between A and B.

At Tita's house while CeeCee pushes the buttons so I'll make this quick *ouch just got smacked in the head. I taught them well love these babies. Just wish I was a little bit older so I can drive their little butts around and spoil these cuties.

Good day today it was beautiful weather at the Metro. Got the OrangeBox. Finally I'm late at everything I want Bioshock so bad though. I know, I know, I should of gotten it a looooong time ago. Gonna' game on the big screen now that means not much myspace or aim anymore ,but I'm cool with that. Having my face plastered in a screen of high-def goodnesse if good with me. Not sure though I might not move everything to the living room ,but we'll see how this works out.

Gonna' go after this. CeeCee says,"muaw". [=

Friday, March 6, 2009

should i.

that's not really a question. notice the lack of the question mark.

i was thinking about making a new blogspot ,but this blog embodies perhaps some of the biggest changes that have ever occurred in my life.

i said a while back I wanted to make these more "honest" less backspaced ,yet theirs this big, actually gigantic wall that prevents me from that, common sense of course.

i was just flipping through my old blogs and i notice how i got so close to being specific ,but then again if i did i got scared of being to open then theirs the bad side of things getting misconstrued

so then i basically summed up blogspot in my head things can go two ways or three:
A. Become really open ,but risk your whole life just being splattered for all too see
B. Become to closed and then have people totally misconstrue the whole thing
or C. *there's no C.  just thought the whole A. B. C. thing wouldn't be complete without it

yea, i'm writing in a different style there it is again though the fact that one must justify at times what one does on damn blogspot

i think you get my point.
i'm stuck between A. and B. 

i've realized that I can't do blogspot the normal way. i've tried it and it just dosen't work.
i can't talk about every thing i did that was important that day, or even anything that was important. 

i'd like to talk about what thoughts go about in my fucked up mind, prepare to see choice C.